ATX: Pride Parade

Happy Throwback Thursday! Last September, I attended the annual Pride Parade in downtown Austin, Texas. I had never been to a parade downtown before, and I had never attended a pride event before, so I managed to check off a couple of things of my To-Do in Austin list! Click to enlarge.

ATX: Drink and Click

Happy Throwback Thursday y'all! Drink and Click is an organization that gathers all kinds of photographers from all skill levels at a bar to socialize and get to know each other. 

I've only made it to two of the meeting with the Austin chapter, but I've loved both of them! I've meet some super cool people and the opportunity to practice nighttime photography is always welcome.

Here's just a few shots from my experiences. Click to enlarge.

Year in Review: Best of 2014

2014 was my first full year in Austin. I have had a blast shooting my way around central Texas. A big thank you to all of my clients this past year - you guys are the reason why I do what I do. Here's a round up of some of my favorite shots, in no particular order, from the last 12 months. Click to enlarge.

Light and air.

The University of Texas tower very early in the morning.

East Austin Succulents.


At the Hope Outdoor Gallery.

Austin Fashion Week.

Downtown Austin.

Austin skyline at night.



High five.


ATX: East Austin Studio Tour

I'm convinced that Austin is home to some of the most creative people in the US. I love how much creativity and artistic spirit fills the city! E.A.S.T. - the East Austin Studio Tour - is no exception. Here's a few shots from the two weekends I spent exploring East Austin. Click to enlarge.


The L Family - Portraits

This portrait session was super special, since Matt's parents were moving to Virginia the next week. We were able to capture some family portraits during golden hour in the gorgeous Texas landscape before they left. Frank the dog even made an appearance! Click to enlarge.

The L Family was a dream to work with! From coordinating their outfits (something I highly recommend to keep your portraits looking cohesive) to the way they naturally made each other laugh, as a photographer I could not be happier! Matt & Eric even risked getting soaked to strike a pose on some mossy rocks in the middle of the creek.

The white-striped trees that make up the background in the series of photos are fondly referred to as "cow trees" by Ashley. Eric decided he wanted to creep up on Matt & Ashley, which I happily captured.