Sam & Hilary - Gorgeous Hamilton Pool Engagement

I first met Sam & Hilary at Cherrywood Coffeehouse - a setting that seemed to suit them well. Sam & Hilary are a perfect compliment to each other - Hilary tends to be outspoken and charismatic while Sam is easy-going and a little more laid-back. I got to know them even better as we drove down to Hamilton Pool Preserve to take their engagement photos - here's a few images from our day. Click to enlarge.

Sam & Hilary were troopers - they hiked across uneven terrain, climbed up and down rocks, and braved falling into the water just to get the shot! An especially big shout-out to Hilary, who did the entire thing in heels.

Having never been to Hamilton Pool before, I was in awe - nature is pretty awesome sometimes. The rocky walls and gorgeous pool provided a perfect backdrop for some sweet, romantic portraits.

Everyone gets a turn to kick their feet up and kiss! The wide shot of the pool and Sam & Hilary on the rocks is one of my favorites from the session - a nice quiet moment when Sam & Hilary were taking in the beauty that surrounded them.

We left Hamilton Pool and went in search of lunch. While chowing down on Torchy's, I realized I had forgotten to get a ring shot! No matter - this image is proof that you can take a lovely ring shot even in the parking lot of my favorite taco place. This unique and gorgeous ring is made with gold quartz and came from Crystal Works in Austin, TX.